
At Secil, we integrate Sustainability into the various levels of management, and we are committed to harmonizing our industrial operations with the principles of sustainability and responsibility.
How does Secil position itself regarding the environmental and energy sector?

By assuming the commitment to high standards of sustainability in its production process, Secil incorporates secondary raw materials and uses alternative fuels that reduce the impact of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

Secil Group integrates the energy sector through the company AVE (Environment and Energy Enhancement) which operates in waste management.

Areas of expertise


Secil has an Integrated Management System and an Integrated Policy for Quality, Environment, Safety, and Health at work. Additionally, and on a totally voluntary basis, Secil has participated in several sustainability initiatives, complying with all legal provisions in forcer.

Saúde e segurança
Health and Safety

We actively promote a policy of health, hygiene, and safety at work, ensuring that all our facilities are safe places for people inside and outside the company. We set the goal of "Zero Harm" to our employees, suppliers, and our community and the reduction of accidents with lost workdays.

Alterações climáticas
Climate change

CO2 emissions reduction has been Secil's strong bet in recent years. Therefore, we intend to increase thermal and electrical efficiency, increase the co-processing of alternative fuels, use secondary raw materials and test innovative technologies for carbon capture and low carbon intensity cement and clinker production..

Emissões atmosféricas
Atmospheric Emissions

Over the last 20 years, Secil has invested heavily in reducing its emissions, implementing various means of control, namely electro filters and bag filters, low NOx burners, and SNCR (Selective non-catalytic reduction) systems.

Currently, all our units have continuous monitoring systems for atmospheric emissions.

Água e Biodiversidade
Water and Biodiversity

Aware that it is possible to improve its water management performance, Secil aims to implement measures in all its units that will make it more efficient in the management of this essential resource for the survival of the human species.

Secil recognizes the importance of biodiversity in the management of the sustainability of the company's activity. Therefore, it undertakes to reduce its impact on it, through the implementation of Environmental Recovery Plans for Quarries and Action Plans for Biodiversity.

Sustentabilidade na construção
Sustainability in construction

Secil seeks to recycle construction and demolition waste from buildings and infrastructures and, in a circular economy logic, uses by-products from other industries to manufacture, for example, mortars and lightweight concrete with cork. In addition, it also develops a range of other covering and thermal insulation products which improve the energy efficiency of buildings.