Verdi Zero Concrete: The path to sustainability

Concrete is the most used manufactured product in the planet and is essential in our society. With Verdi Zerdi, the first carbon neutral concrete in Portugal, Secil is shaping a more sustainable future.
We create sustainable value

Secil Group’s business strategy is founded on the protection of the Planet and of Our People, making the economic development and respect for the environment compatible. Our response to global climate change is to reduce the carbon intensity of the production, promoting the circular economy and biodiversity.

Therefore, we are diversifying our efforts:

  • Promoting new solutions for a more efficient and sustainable construction
  • Developing products that focus on circular economy and use of by-products
  • Promoting the vitality, balance of the ecosystems and landscape recovery

    Goal: Carbon neutrality by 2050

    The 2020-2030 decade is crucial in the path to achieve this goal. We are fully committed to reduce CO2 emissions associated to the value chain, developing a set of projects that focus on minimising the impact of the activities.

We minimise impact on multiple fronts


Increasing energy efficiency and the use of alternative fuels.

Clean Cement Line Project


Reducing the carbon intensity of clinker, of cement with less clinker and concrete with less cement.

Low Carbon Clinker Project


Prioritising sea and rail transportation for the circulation of goods and fuels. Optimising logistics and distribution by resorting to digital platforms.

Shaping the future with Verdi Zero Concrete

Carbon neutral concrete

An innovative and sustainable product that responds to the decarbonisation challenge.

Certified as a carbon neutral product

Verdi Zero is certified as a  CarbonNeutral© Product by Climate Impact Partners.

Use of raw materials that promote circular economy

By incorporating recycled waste and reducing the use of natural resources.

More about the carbon offset projects


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Solar Energy

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Wind Energy

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