Verdi Zero
The first carbon neutral concrete in Portugal.
Ready mixed
Certified as a CarbonNeutral Product
Recycled raw materials
With the development of Verdi Zero concrete, Secil Betão takes a big step forward in building a greener future, with more sustainable buildings and infrastructures and less impact on the environment.
This product uses raw materials that promote the circular economy through the incorporation of recycled waste and assuming a lower use of natural resourcs.
Verdi Zero Concrete is certified as a CarbonNeutral© Product, according to the CarbonNeutral Protocol pela Climate Impact Partners, the leading framework for carbon neutrality. This is achieved by offsetting the remaining emissions through projects of external emission reduction and by guaranteeing that, for each ton of CO2 emitted by the Verdi Zero Concrete, there is one less ton in the atmosphere.
Therefore, we are supporting projects in the areas of afforestation, wind power and solar power. These are ways to reduce the carbon footprint and contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.
Uses: | Can be used on any structural elements |
Type of project: | New construction or rehabilitation |
Format: | Ready-mixed concrete |
Standard: | NP EN 206 |
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