Self-compacting concrete that provides a quick, silent application with good compactness.

Available colors:
  • Grey
Available formats:
  • Ready mixed
Vantagens do Produto:
  • No vibration required
  • Easy and silent application
  • Top quality final finish
  • Structural and architectural function
  • High durability
  • Adaptable to various surfaces and configurations

More about UNIBAC®

UNIBAC® is ideal for situations where it is not possible to use vibration or for the concreting of very narrow sections or sections with a high reinforcement density.

UNIBAC® is a concrete capable of flowing and compacting solely under the action of its own weight and of filling the formwork with its reinforcements, tubes, projections, etc, maintaining homogeneity.

Technical information


Concreting elements of irregular shapes, narrow sections or heavily reinforced parts. Structural and architectural concrete.

Suitable for: 

New construction or rehabilitation


NP EN 206-1 | NP EN 206-9



Where to buy

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