Adhere Turbo

Fast-setting, fluid tile adhesive, specially designed for bonding ceramic tiles to floors that need to be put into service immediately. 

Available colours:
  • Adhere Grey
Available formats:
  • Bag
Product features:
  • Fast setting
  • Easy application
  • Extended application time
  • Heavy traffic in 12 hours
  • Light pedestrian traffic in 6 hours

More about Adhere Turbo

ADHERE TURBO belongs to the group of special-purpose adhesives. It is considered an improved fast-drying and hardening construction adhesive with extended application time (C2 FE classification according to EN 12004-1), formulated from mixed binders, siliceous aggregates and admixtures.

It is specially designed for the quick bonding of ceramic tiles or natural stone when there is a short deadline for project completion.

Allows pedestrian traffic 6 hours after application and heavy traffic 12 hours after filling joints.

Technical specifications


Improved, fast-setting adhesive cement with extended application time
Suitable for:New floor/pavement construction or renovation
Joint width:
5 mm exteriors | 2 mm interiors
Standard:EN 12004-1
Packaging:25 kg bags | Shrink-wrapped pallets with 60 x 25 kg bags 

Where to buy

  • At resellers and wholesale

    Product available in specialist stores. For large quantities, please contact us directly.