UNICOLORIDO® (Single Colour)

Concrete with incorporation of special pigments that give it colours in different shades. This solution results in a coloured concrete applied in works of high architectural value, combining aesthetics with durability.

Available colors:
  • Grey
Available formats:
  • Ready mixed
Vantagens do Produto:
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Structural and architectural function
  • High durability
  • Final finishing product
  • Strength


UNICOLORIDO® can be made using grey cement, if you want to obtain a darker colour, or white cement for a final result with lighter colours.

Technical information
Uses: Can be applied to architectural concrete and coloured structural concrete
Suitable for: New construction or rehabilitation
Standard: NP EN 206-1
Strength class:Mínimo - C30/37
Format: Ready-mixed

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