Waterproofing and Coating Swimming Pools

New renovation challenges require solutions from different bonding systems, including specific solutions for bonding in wet and underwater areas.

For the renovation of swimming pools, there is a complete solution that extends from waterproofing to grouting of joints and bonding of ceramic tiles.

  • High chemical resistance
  • High durability
  • Reduced slippage
  • Application in brickwork or reinforced concrete for swimming pools
  • Extended application time
  • Helps bond ceramics and tiles
  • Excellent workability
  • Waterproof solution

Application system

  1. Concrete structure

  2. Redur Max Force

  3. Hidrostop Banda

  4. Plan Force

  5. Hidrostop Flex (waterproofing)

  6. Adhere Hidro (bonding)

  7. Adhere Hidro (grouting)

  8. Glass tile
